The Baptism of Ethan Preston Flowers:
Mom, Courtney Perry Flowers, holds her son, while Dad, Jarrod Flowers, stands by her and Godparents: Andrei Lane and LaFini Mosby witness.
BAPTISM: Is the first of three "Sacraments of Initiation." The other two
are Eucharist and Confirmation. Baptism is the basis of the whole Christian Life, the gateway to life in the Spirit, and the door which gives access to the other sacraments. "Baptism is the sacrament of regeneration through water in the word. (CCC 1213)
"To baptize" means to plunge or immerse (from the Greek); the plunge into the water symbolizes our burial into Christ's death, from which he rises up to resurrection with him, as a new creation.
Baptism celebrates our response to the Holy Spirit's invitation
to believe in Christ and live the Gospel. We can be baptized
only once. Baptism leaves a "character or sign" on our soul.
It marks us forever as belonging to Christ. The character
consecrates us for Christian worship.
With Baptism we are incorporated into the life of GOD,
who is Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Our life in the Trinity is one
of relationship: with the Father, we are adopted sons and daughters; with the Son, we are sisters and brothers; and
with the Holy Spirit, we are "Living Temples of the Spirit."
GODPARENTS: are members from the Catholic Community, who are
willing to accompany the newly baptized in their Faith and
as active members of the Church support them. Ordinarily,
there is a Godfather and a Godmother, who must be at least
16 or older and a fully initiated Catholic. That is baptized,
confirmed and receives the Eucharist.
CHRISTIAN WITNESS: is a person who in addition to the Godparents
is a baptized--Christian, who has been asked to support
the baptized in Faith.
BAPTISMAL PREPARATION: prior to the celebration of the Sacrament
of Baptism, there is a required preparation session for the
parents, who are the "first teachers of Faith;" along with
the Godparents.